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Could NATA's Communication Style Driving Members Away?

Shelby Daly

Is the one-way communication style of the National Athletic Trainers'​ Association driving members away?

Social media enables brand managing org to shape interactions in a positive light. It offers stakeholders spaces & tools to interact, express, share & create narratives about an org online. It allows stakeholders to construct different aspects of an org through multiple forms which may be direct or indirect, purposeful or coincidental. The co-creation of an org relying on active stakeholder participation in online discussions corresponds with the nature of relationship building on social media featuring valuable information dissemination, frequent information update, & new content generation.

This 2-way communication gains public trust. By initiating dialogue & collaboration it creates aspects of openness, transparency & democracy which improves public perceptions.

The connection between engagement & relationship building on social media creates fertile ground for engaging a broad range of stakeholder groups in national branding efforts that organically provides diversity.

The motivation of users' engaged use of social media is primarily driven by seeking fulfillment of their relational needs through socialization with others in the community, building mutual trust & interaction.

Social media content strategies & the reputation of the overseeing org are the key determinants to improve citizen engagement. It is important to create a sharing culture & nurture an inclusive environment via producing content that offer informational support to users including advice, guidance, suggestions, or useful information. It attempts to reduce the perception of asymmetrical power relationships through the focus on ethical communication mechanisms & citizen engagement.

One-way communication alludes to power a power struggle of controlling resources such as information which creates an influence on marginalizing, disempowering & manipulating views. It ultimately fails in producing an inclusive brand that exhibits different aspects of an organization where members are treated as consumers rather than contributors to the mission of the organization.

Two-way communication is relevant for target stakeholders & represents everyone in the organization rather than an elite group. It grants the public with chances to make criticism & induce change and innovation from the multi-dimensional construction & interpretation of brand meaning, involving consensus, dissensus & negotiation back with diverse expectations & interests in the brand.

By creating a supportive environment that encourages individual participation it enhances an individual's perception of the extent of control it has over the organization's environment & resources. When the perceived sense of power is strong, individuals are inclined to feel empowered to express & interact more within the organization.

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