Do some ATs seek comfort in being a victim?
We go on and on about how we are mistreated, undervalued, underpaid, ‘burnt out,’ or don't like the environment we work in. And yet, day after day, we continue to show up, continue to endure, and continue to collect a steady paycheck.
Ultimately, we live in a free market with the ability to choose our job placement. What is your opportunity cost to work at an institution? We are not shackled to our job sites if they are unwilling to negotiate pay or work-life balance parameters. Examine what is most important to you in your job setting and your personal life. And remember it is very difficult to obtain both an increase in compensation and work-life balance in any setting.
The truth is that the reason most people stay is the job security or the organization’s brand name. They would rather suffer for something guaranteed than take personal ownership of their future.
So even if the company they work for has a poor culture, a broken business model, terrible values/culture, they will stay. They are so afraid of the unknown; either working somewhere else or creating their own business.
Your salary is safe, your benefits are safe, your retirement plan is good, everything seems good enough that you're willing to comply with the job requirements and hating your life for eight+ hours a day simply because:
1. Risk is terrifying
2. Learning new things is hard
3. You love the handcuffs. There is a nice title or it’s the association of working with a specific organization, ‘living the life’
4. You love to complain. Some people love to be miserable. They find enjoyment in showing up to work and start complaining right after clocking in. They have learned to love their misery, and as much as they talk about the unfairness, they never will address it. For them it’s easier to complain than deal with the real problem. You were not ’sentenced’ to be unhappy. Build your skills and expertise and challenge the status quo or go somewhere where you will be appreciated.
5. Do not disappoint. Some of the most talented and smartest people end up working jobs they despise simply because they don't want to disappoint their peers. Why? Because they believe that their worth is tied up in the brand name of the organization they work for, especially in the current social media culture. Not if the job sucks! Face up to the facts. If the job or company is not what you thought it was, move on. You don’t really need to impress them with where you work.
6. You are living the life you can’t afford. It's amazing how much people prioritize having ‘things’ before they have established financial stability. A shift in lifestyle is unthinkable to them.
How can you break the cycle and identify the root of your unhappiness?
Why Do We Stay In A Job When We Are Not Happy? Insights To Help You Get The Career You Deserve (
Shelby 5/2024