Athletic Trainers are very good at explaining to others what all we are able to perform with all of our different skill sets in patient care... Our tag line "The jack of all trades", "the center of the web", health conductor/orchestrator…
We can market each individual skillset that we are good at, but why don't we start marketing our true encompassing specialty... healthcare leadership?
ATs have a robust skillset that is capable of providing care while touching all aspects of the whole patient care model. We possess a strong ability to manage, guide, and influence the other specialties that make up our healthcare and performance team due to our sweeping knowledge in each realm of practice and/or thinking.
Athletic trainers are already the center of the patients care model, why not utilized this as a strong marketing tactic and we all get really good at it?
If we can start reforming around promoting athletic training as healthcare leadership we can create a stronger market value proposition for the stakeholders hiring us.
Athletic Training Chat. Ep 169: Adam Halpern-Athletic Training Evolution.
Shelby 6/2024