What business is the National Athletic Trainers' Association actually in?
Making us better clinicians?
Keeping top secret AT information?
Information gating?
Service industry?
Do they see members as actual ATs or dollar signs?
Why does the NATA seem to shun non-members and not see the potential of future (returning) members and (re)establish a relationship? If the purpose is to enhance the profession of athletic training as a whole, shouldn't the NATA stop gate-keeping (pay-wall) information, like the Salary Survey?
NATA is having an identity problem; I don't think they understand what business they're in. What is the value that an AT is gaining from being a member?
If it provides networking opportunities, where do these opportunities actually go? It cannot be recycled right back into the organization! NATA has a magazine, an email newsletter, a podcast... these still do not reach the masses and make an impact in interactions. The return on that investment only goes so far before you run out of connections and the one-way communication platforms aren't being heard anymore.
Has NATA audited what they are doing good and bad in their operations lately? Have they really taken the time to listen to members and non-members however uncomfortable it may be?
I don't think the organization's mission matches what stakeholders perceive in their interactions. Do they want to evolve? Are they willing to change? Are they up to the challenge?
I understand that a majority of the association are volunteers, and they are doing their absolute best with the resources that they have, but we need to acknowledge their limitations. And to reiterate, they are volunteers, this is not their life's work volunteering at the NATA!
I think the organization needs to narrow down what is the core value that they are providing to the members and the profession. A tangible exchange. A deliverable experience to each member.
Shelby 8/2024