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Question to those hiring…

Shelby Daly

What is the cost of hiring an experienced qualified professional into your organization?

Job posting have high requirements just to qualify for an interview. These requirements of the candidate took a lot of time and money to master and gain confidence to perform.

However, when the job is offered to the qualified candidate, the salary is often blind sighted and offered at minimum wage.

Quite a slap in the face I must say.

I think the contributions of the candidate outweighs the “budget”. They have spent time to gain the skills and experience that enable them to jump into the position which outweighs training a new professional in the field that agrees to the minimum wage, this ultimately would cost the organization in time and money.

Yes, one will “have to learn the ropes” regardless of starting a new position, but I know that my skills will be more effective and efficient then hiring a newly graduated athletic trainer to your organization that agrees to the minimum wage that is offered.

1. Post the salary (salary range) on the job post, be transparent!

2. Determine if the position is just to “check a box” or to enhance your program

3. Leave room for negotiations in case there is someone overqualified that applies, or else you’re wasting both of our time if the salary wasn’t posted in the first place

4. Understand that minimum wage may get you minimal results

Shelby 7/2024

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