I think it’s funny:
How athletic trainers will ding a contracting company for being under California Athletic Training Association's (CATA) hourly rate but are willing to accept a job at minimum FLSA or below for a yearly salary.
2024 California Minimum FLSA Salary: $66,560 (26+ employees)
2023 BLS California AT Average Salary Rate $45,940-$93,570
CATA recommended Minimum Hourly Rate: $57-$87/hour (Depending on Region)
$57 x 40 hours x 52 weeks = $118,560
$87 x 40 hours x 52 weeks = $180,960
*Without benefits
Get your priorities right athletic trainers. Look at the long-term commitment and you won’t have to do contracted jobs
Athletic Trainers need to keep concentrating on the long-term effort of compensation.
Shelby 7/2024