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The Art of Negotiation and Understanding Your Value

Shelby Daly

Pablo Picasso was an old man sitting in a cafe in Spain doodling on a used napkin. He was nonchalant about the whole thing, drawing whatever amused him in that moment. After he finished his coffee he crumpled up the napkin and threw it away. A women stopped him, who had been watching him sketch from afar, asking if she could have the napkin with the drawing on it.

“Sure,” Picasso replied. “Twenty thousand dollars.”

The women’s face shocked with confusion, “What? This took you two minutes to draw.”

“No, ma’am,” Picasso said. “It took me sixty years to draw this.” He stuffed the napkin in his pocket and walked out of the cafe.

Improvement at anything is based on thousands of tiny failures, and the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you’ve failed at something.

Your expertise and efficiency didn’t come out of thin air. Many hours (probably 10,000+) were invested into the skills you poses and can provide.

10,000 hour x minimum wage hourly (CA) = $160,000 (per skill set)

How much is your time worth to perfect your art?

Negotiate your salary and don’t under sell your skills!

Shelby 7/2024

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