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Underpaid and Complaining?

Shelby Daly

If the profession of athletic training is going to complain about being underpaid, we should probably start talking to the appropriate people about it and taking personal action. (You can negotiate more than once with an employer!)

In 2022 more than half of ATs did not attempt to negotiate their salary (57.6%), and almost three-quarters of ATs did not negotiate terms of employment (70.5%) during the hiring process.

Athletic trainers (ATs) are comparatively underpaid relative to peer healthcare professionals. While many factors contribute to salary and benefits of a given employment position, negotiation is a factor of the final salary and benefits package that is achieved. It is unclear to what extent ATs negotiate salary or other terms of employment during the hiring process.

How often is an AT actually advocating for their personal compensation?

Cavallerio, J. et al. (2022). Negotiation Practices of Athletic Trainers Employed in the Clinical Setting. Journal of Athletic Training. DOI: 10.4085/1062-6050-0244.22

Shelby 8/2024

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